
You have 3 options for captcha solvers that are supported in the bot, but please note that all sites do not support all solvers!

Entering API Keys

To enter API keys obtained below, click the SETTINGS button, and navigate to the CAPTCHA section.

Captcha Providers


To obtain an API key that can be pasted into the bot, click here to login or if you need to signup, visit here. After signing up you must have credit loaded in your account. After account is funded, navigate to and copy key there


To obtain an API key that can be pasted into the bot, login via of if you need to signup, visit After signing up you must have credit loaded in your account. After account is funded, visit the homepage where you will find your API key.


To obtain an API key that can be pasted into the bot, click here to login or if you need to signup, visit here. After signing up you must have credit loaded in your account. After account is funded, visit the homepage where you will find your API key. Example below

Last updated